On the Edge of the Piney Woods


April 2012
Available at Blurb.com or contact me

Beauty is, where you find it. You just need to know what to look for. Many of us pass by nature’s beauty every day, and never recognize it. Sometimes, it takes a change of geographic location to reset one’s view of what surrounds us.

My husband and I retired to the farm in Edgewood, Texas, after spending most of our lives on the other side of the world, following the direction of our professions. Now, we follow our passions. I learn to look for the natural beauty that surrounds us in East Texas and try to record it through the lens of my camera. In doing that, I learn to appreciate and greatly enjoy the country living. Once in a while I still miss the big bookstores around the corner of my apartment in Singapore, but most of the time I look up, down, far, close, only to the find the charms of our farm and the land I now live on.

After taking thousands of pictures over the years, I painstakingly chose around 100 of them for this book. The images, dated from 2006 to 2012, were all captured within sight of my ‘kitchen window’, on the edge of the piney woods.

Ine Burke, 2012

Genre: Nature, landscape, skyscape.

Book’s physical description:
7″x7″, 120 pages, about 100 color photographs
Available in:
– Hardcover, dust jacket with standard paper
– ebook (to be purchased from Blurb.com)

Below is the preview of the book showing 52 out of 120 pages.

A Testimony from Tami Wadlington, Arlington

Hi Ine. I bought a print and a book from you at the Heritage Festival.  I love the book !  It captures my hometown and that part of my soul in such an artful and poignant way.  I knew what to expect from the photos, because I saw some of them in the shop where you were selling them.  But I didn’t anticipate the beautiful prose describing what I’ve always known and appreciated in the town where I grew up.  My parents have lived in the same place for 45 years. It was simple and bucolic.
I love your photos.  They really capture where we live.  Mostly, I love that you noticed and took a photo of the road. How many times I have walked on our blacktop road as a barefoot child and as an adult, noticing the strange beauty with rocks stuck in little veins here and there, the little holes that would fill with water, the parts of the blacktop melting and undulating from the hot summer sun, and following it around this bend or that, and leading me here and taking me there.

Thank you, Ine for seeing what I see, and for capturing it in such a beautiful way.

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